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Reference Books for IIT-JAM CHEMISRY-CY


Atomic and Molecular Structure: Physical Chemistry–Peter W. Atkins
Theory of Gases: Physical Chemistry–Peter W. Atkins
Chemical Thermodynamics : Physical Chemistry–Thomas Engel & Phillip Reid
Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Principals of Chemical Equilibrium & Phase Rule –K.G. Denbigh
Electrochemistry: An Introduction to Electrochemistry–Samuel Glasstone
Chemical Kinetics: Chemical Kinetics – Keith J. Laidler
Solid State: Solid State–Peter W. Atkins
Adsorption: Introduction to Surface Chemistry & Catalysis – Gabor A. Somorjai
Basic Mathematical Concept: Differential Equation & Matrices–Shanti Narayan


Periodic Table: Concise Inorganic Chemistry – J. D. Lee
Chemical Bonding and Shapes of compounds: Inorganic Chemistry: Meissler & Tarr
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks): Concise Inorganic Chemistry – J. D. Lee
Transition Metal (d block): Concise Inorganic Chemistry – James E. Huheey
Analytical Chemistry: Quantitative Inorganic Analysis – A. I. Vogel
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry – James E. Huheey
Instrumental Method of Analysis: Instrumental method – Skoog, Holler & Crouch


Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry: Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism: P.S. Kalsi
Organic reaction Mechanism and synthetic applications
Organic Chemistry: Clayden, Greeves, Warner and Wothers
Organic Chemistry: Carey & Sundberg
Natural Products Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-II) – I. L. Finar
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-I) – I. L. Finar
Qualitative organic Analysis: Introduction to Spectroscopy – Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, Vyvyan


Reference Books for IIT-JAM Physics-PH

Mathematical Methods

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig
2. Mathematical Physics: H.K. Dass
3. Mathematical Methods In The Physical Sciences: Mary L Boas
4. Mathematical Methods for Physics & Engineering: Riley, Hobson & Bence
5. Vector Analysis: Schaum’s Series: Murray R Spiegel

Mechanics & General Properties of Matter

1. An Introduction to Mechanics: Kleppner and Kolenkow
2. Classical Mechanics: Herbert Goldstein
3. Classical Mechanics: J.C. Upadhyaya
4. Classical Mechanics: Walter Greiner
5. Classical Mechanics & General Properties of matter: A.B. Gupta
6. For practice of problems: I.E. Irodov

Oscillations, Wave and Optics

1. Waves and Oscillations: N.K. Bajaj
2. Waves and Oscillations: Brij Lal & N Subrahmanyam
3. Optics: Ajoy Ghatak
4. Optics: Eugune Hecht, A. R. Ganesan
5. Optics: B. Ghosh
6. For practice of problems: I.E. Irodov

Electricity and Magnetism

1. Introduction to Electrodynamics: David J. Griffiths
2. Electricity & Magnetism: B. Ghosh
3. For practice of problems: I.E. Irodov

Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics

1. Funda-mentals of Statistical Mechanics & Thermal Physics: F. Reif
2. Thermodynamics: Garg, Bansal & Ghosh
3. For practice of problems: I.E. Irodov

Modern Physics

1. Quantum Physics: H.C. Verma
2. Concepts of Modern Physics: Beiser, Mahajan, Choudhury
3. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: David J. Griffiths
4. Nuclear Physics: D.C. Tayal

Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics

1. Solid State Physics: S.O. Pillai
2. Solid State Physics: Puri & Babbar
3. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory: Boylestad & Nashelsky
4. Digital Fundamentals: Floyd
5. Electronics: B. Ghosh


Reference books for IIT JAM Mathematics-MA

1. Integral Calculus: F. Ayres (Schaum’s), Gorakh Prasad
2. Vector Calculus: Murray R. Spiegel (Schaum’s), A.R.Vasishtha
3. Linear Algebra: Seymour Lipschitz (Schaum’s), H. Anton, A.R.Vasishtha.
4. Ordinary Differential Equation: Peter J. Collins, G.F. Simmons, M.D. Raisinghania.
5. Principle of Real Analysis: S. C. Malik.
6. Real Analysis: H. L. Royden.
7. Modern Algebra: A. R. Vasishtha 8. University Algebra: N. S. Gopalakrishan.

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